Monday, September 9, 2013

Lady of Shallot
Here is my most recent cover.  It has my favorite painting on it, and my favorite colors, purple and black.  I am not finished with the inside yet.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

 "Farewell My Love"


Here is a stucco wall of a ship sailing away.

The picture that is on the inside

Inside of the book

Saturday, March 9, 2013

"The Night Sea"

This one is very mystical. The embellishment is actually a magenta color but it came out red.  It also does not have many miniatures in it, please scroll down to see  the "Escapes" with miniatures!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"By the Sea"

It is almost finished, I am just waiting for a tray of goodies to arrive to put on the table.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

This is one of my all time favorites.  In an older post, I showed the process of picking out things for your cover.  Look really closely to the background , the wall and the surroundings because on the inside of this one, I focused on the outside....

On the left, the wall is that of what was in picture, then on the right I textured the wall so it is just like stucco. I used Golden's "Coarse Pumice Gel"  it turned out great, though it was a bit challenging, I would rather use a palette knife next time to apply (rather than a paint brush).

This one had doors, but they were just too small, proportionately, so   I took them off and came up with this.

Here is the finished product.....finally!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

  Flowers by the Lake
This is the picture that I have picked out
This one will go on the inside of the "Escape"
(notice that the flowers are blurry)
I cut the photo for the inside of the box, and put 3 dimensional  flower stickers over them to match the flowers in the frame.

I painted modge podge all over front of book,  and laid the  glimmery fabric over the top of the book.  (usually I would
put the fabric down and then put the modge podge over the fabric), but not in this case.
Here is another look at the fabric.

After glue dries, cut the extra fabric off.

I used this paint for the spine of the book. (I love this paint)
As I paint the spine, I lift the fabric up slightly to get the paint at the very edge.
The spine is now painted, and I have not yet decided if I am going to paint the stripes yet.

Here is the finished cover, I love it, it is very neutral, and feminine  in contrast to what will be in the inside of the book,
very bright ,yet serene.  I picked the trim (it is a slight peach color) to match the dress in the painting.

Referring to the pictures that I picked out for the inside, ( I have never attempted this before), I used multiple colors on my brush to get the following effect.

 Then I added in the photos.

The hard part was painting a match to the photo by hand (on the right side) but it worked out just fine.

The inside, so far...what do you think?

Then for the ground I tried something I have never attempted so far,
I took some sand that I had from my beach "Escape", and put it in a plastic bag,  and sprayed it with "Tattered Angels" "Glimmer Mist", color-latte.
This is what it looked like.  It was the perfect match to the sand and rocks in the picture. So, I had to let it dry.

While it was drying, I painted the bottom of the box where the sand would go, so that if some of the sand were to rub off, it would not be that noticeable.
Then I painted modge podge on this surface and put the sand over it, and let it sit for a few minutes, then let the excess fall off, and it looks like this:

Then I got a few pieces of slate, and glued them over the sand and decided to paint them a little bit, (I will add more later)

Here are the final pictures

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Beach Escape
This one is by far my most popular Escape.  People really connect in some way with this one.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bird Song is done!

Here are a few pictures of what the inside looks like.  If you want to see the cover, scroll down a little, and you will see it from my post on the 14th.

Please leave comments!