Thursday, November 29, 2012

Here are a few of the ingredients for a Christmas "Escape".  My sister gave me this box, and I am going to paint over all of it,  but the pages.

Scroll down and take a look at "Girl in the Garden"  I just added  a final touch, and now it is complete! Please take a moment and comment on what you would like to see! If you would like to see close ups of the picture on the front of the Escape, for example. Most of my Escapes are for sale, email me if you are interested, I can make one just for you!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The tip of the day:  
Sometimes when you buy the paper mache books, they are not always in the best shape, so I go over some of the areas with some sand paper to even them out.  I don't get too caught up on trying to make it look perfect though.  Each book has a personality all of its own.

What I am working on today (as I pack for our trip)

. I painted the front of this book with a glossy light grey, then I've put the pink fabric over it. It is now ready to be mod podged.

A close up of the cover painting.

I added a trim to the top (I don't know why it looks longer on the right side) and I may add something to the left side, but for now this is what it looks like!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Girl in the Garden 

I just decided to add the lights as the final touch.

Here it is, the finished, final product!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tutorial on how to make a collage front of a paper mache book

First  I paint the front of the book.

Then I pick out some vintage papers and glue them to the front
with mod podge.                                                                               

 Then I pick out a fabric to go on top of the paint and paper
(this fabric was for a wedding veil)

 Then I apply mod podge liberally all over the front of the book
(it will look like you ruined it, but just wait until it dries)!

 Voila! After the mod podge dries it will look like this.
Now trim the excess off of the edges.

Add on a trim to go along the left side.   This one seemed to fit perfectly!

Now, add a couple of embellishments

 This flower I used as a knob to open the book with.

Then paint the spline with metallic paints, and WOW,
a masterpiece is on its way!