Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bird Song is done!

Here are a few pictures of what the inside looks like.  If you want to see the cover, scroll down a little, and you will see it from my post on the 14th.

Please leave comments!

Monday, January 14, 2013

"Bird Song"

A client asked me to make an "Escape" for someone special, so I asked what the person's interests were, what kind of colors that person likes, and I was on my way. This one is going to have red in it, and it will be an Asian Theme, which is really exciting because I was going to make an Asian themed "Escape"  anyways!! First I started with the cover, and painted  it Hauser Dark Green.  Then I took some gold netting and put mod podge over the fabric netting.

I have some frames, and I picked out an image, and decided to change it to the birds. I get the picture frames on ebay,  $8.99 for 10 of them plus shipping. Then I can put in any image that I please, and this is the cover that I created.  I will probably paint the stripes on the spine in gold, but here it is so far.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Finished "Escape"!

Here is the cover.

From the picture on the front, I made a window matching the window on the house, also I found a screen door just like the one in the picture.  The picture on the front has to match the inside of the "Escape".
I always paint the back cover of the "Escape" the color graphite by Americana Paints.

Here is the finished inside.
and a couple of close -ups.
Let me know what you think!
Now, on to my next project.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tutorial of inside of the "Escape"

Here is the front of the "Escape" that I already put together, I painted a peachy color, then glued on the fabric, the trim and the flower button. Below is a close up of the picture on the  front.   
Below is the inside of the "Escape" ready to be painted and decorated.


I painted the inside of the cover "bleached sand."

Then I glued the screen door that I found to the inside of the front cover.


Then I added a door handle, and some embellishments.

Then I added a small print of scrapbook paper to the inside.

I was able to find all of the ingredients for a window, like the one in the picture. and I put a picture of clouds underneath the window, even if it is not that visible, it is a window to the outside.

Then I added the window

Here is and overview of what it looks like so far.

This morning I painted the floor, a glossy cream color.  Then added a sofa table, with some treats on it, and I have some ceramic pitchers ordered.  

I have not yet painted all of the book yet, but I like the way it is turning out. It has a very "clean" feel to it.

I used Stewart Gill Meta Mica paint on the spine of the book. I have not yet decided if I want to paint the lines or not.  I am posting as I am working on the book,  so keep checking back to see the progress I am making.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Preview 

One of the "Escapes" that I plan to make is an Asian themed.  Here are some of the items I could use for it. Just click on the picture to view it closer up.  And here are a couple of more pictures of some the possible items that I might use.

The items pictured below I got from ARTchix Studio

Keep in mind that this is only 1 of the many "Escapes" that I have planned to make for this year. I thought that you might like a preview of it.  Please take a moment to comment on my blog. Your comments are welcomed!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

With the start of the new year, comes a new post! Thank-you so much for visiting my blog!  Today I am going to post an "Escape" that has already been made, so if you have any questions please email me!

For the cover I painted the front a sage color, then put a thick lace over it, then put on top the sparkle mod podge.  I must be honest and say that it is not my favorite cover, the lace was quite dense, as shown in the picture here is one layer of lace over my wooden table, along with the trim, and button that I used.

Here is a close up of the dollhouse miniature picture I used. This picture reminds me of my oldest daughter.

A view from above, I hand-made the pillow, and I found miniatures of 2 magazines that I buy often," Miniature Collector", and "Bead Style" magazine.
I tiled the floor, (as I explained in my Christmas post)
Here is the finished product!