Sunday, December 16, 2012

Inside of the "Escape"

Here are some of the ingredients for inside of the "Escape"
First I measure and cut out the scrapbook paper to fit inside of the box (below).

I use Mosaic Mosaique Stickers for the tile floor, I get these at Michael's   

Then I cut the last row with a shank cutter to cut the tiles until I get a perfect fit.  I then put up on the fireplace. Notice that I cut off Santa's boots, coming out of the fireplace and I cut a fire out of some fabric that I had and put it in the fireplace instead.  I also had fabric of cut wood, and put that beside the fireplace.                                                                                                                                                                         
 Then I added a small Chair.  I am happy with it so far.........

 I took a picture frame (from ebay) that I had, and cut out a section from an older Christmas card of a nativity scene that I liked, and used it as the picture above the fireplace.  Now, its done!!!!!!
 The final finished product.
 I also added a lamp above the chair, as a reading light.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas "Escape"
Inside Cover
 I cut a piece of fabric and put mod podge on the book  and put the fabric over it.

Then I found a Christmas card that I loved, and  I took a chipboard window (from ArtChix Studio) and cut out the dividers that made the windows (so it would be one solid window, and I sanded down the parts that I cut,and I painted the window edge brown).
 Then I traced and cut out the portion of the card that I liked.
 I glued the card to the fabric, then the window frame to the card.
 The next step was to take some lace that I had and glue it to the fabric, with it covering part of the window, to look like a valance.
 To finish this page of the book, I put a border sticker on the top, to look like a border, and added the Jolee's Christmas tree and gifts to the bottom of the page.
 Here it is, and I am totally happy with it.  Now for the inside portion of the book..............check back!!!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

 Christmas "Escape"
This is the picture that I have chosen for the front of my Christmas "Escape".  I painted the front of the book box white, then I mod podged the gold netting on first, then the red lace on top of it.

I apply mod podge on the back of the miniature picture then place it on top, and put a weight  on top of it, until it dries.
After it is done drying, cut off the excess, around the edges.  While it is drying, you can pick out your trims, and button or knob to open it with.  
I will probably go with a simple white "bloomers" trim to bring out the images in the picture. (The one on the left).  You can see that the sparkly ones are too much. As soon as it dries, cut off the excess, and glue on your trim.   I decided to put on 2 trims this time.
One tip that I discovered is that if you apply clear nail polish to the ends of the trim, it will keep it from fraying. So here is the finished cover.   I also added a blinged embellishment.  Please comment!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Here are a few of the ingredients for a Christmas "Escape".  My sister gave me this box, and I am going to paint over all of it,  but the pages.

Scroll down and take a look at "Girl in the Garden"  I just added  a final touch, and now it is complete! Please take a moment and comment on what you would like to see! If you would like to see close ups of the picture on the front of the Escape, for example. Most of my Escapes are for sale, email me if you are interested, I can make one just for you!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The tip of the day:  
Sometimes when you buy the paper mache books, they are not always in the best shape, so I go over some of the areas with some sand paper to even them out.  I don't get too caught up on trying to make it look perfect though.  Each book has a personality all of its own.

What I am working on today (as I pack for our trip)

. I painted the front of this book with a glossy light grey, then I've put the pink fabric over it. It is now ready to be mod podged.

A close up of the cover painting.

I added a trim to the top (I don't know why it looks longer on the right side) and I may add something to the left side, but for now this is what it looks like!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Girl in the Garden 

I just decided to add the lights as the final touch.

Here it is, the finished, final product!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tutorial on how to make a collage front of a paper mache book

First  I paint the front of the book.

Then I pick out some vintage papers and glue them to the front
with mod podge.                                                                               

 Then I pick out a fabric to go on top of the paint and paper
(this fabric was for a wedding veil)

 Then I apply mod podge liberally all over the front of the book
(it will look like you ruined it, but just wait until it dries)!

 Voila! After the mod podge dries it will look like this.
Now trim the excess off of the edges.

Add on a trim to go along the left side.   This one seemed to fit perfectly!

Now, add a couple of embellishments

 This flower I used as a knob to open the book with.

Then paint the spline with metallic paints, and WOW,
a masterpiece is on its way!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My process of picking out what to put on the cover of the "Escape" book.

First you start out with a paper mache book, which you can get at JoAnn's or Michael's

Then you pick out the picture that you want to be on the cover, and what theme you want on the box.  The picture is the focal point of the whole project.

 Still trying to decide on what fabric to use, with what trim, over the painted box.  On this one I had to mix the paint myself.  This process can take a little while,  while I try to decide what the best combination is.

Getting closer!!!

The final decision !  I am very happy with it.   

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fairy "Escape"

Thanks for stopping by my blog. As I said in my previous post, I would explain what an "Escape" is.  When I work on my art, I have always had pictures that I consider to be beautiful in front of me for inspiration,  I am drawn to fantasy art landscapes, and the pre-raphaelite movement, I am also drawn to an architectual  influence, mainly gothic structures.  So when I turn these paper mache books into glimpses of beauty, and something that I enjoy looking at while I rest my imagination.  So naturally I call my work an "Escape".   A place to go for a moment.

Monday, October 8, 2012

"Paige's Pastime"
I name all of my "escapes" and I named this one after my daughter, who as a toddler, loved to smell things, I have scrapbook pages of her smelling flowers, just like the little girl in the picture on the front.  I picked it out because it reminds me of her.

 Here is the finished product of this "Escape".  I made a couple of changes that are updated into these newer photos, and I permanently put in the mini flowers that I bought on ebay, and they came from Singapore. If I were to do the cover over, I would move it to a little more onto the redish tones.  But, all in all, I am very happy with how it came out.  Please comment and let me know what you think!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I have been working all day just to figure out what art to put on this next "escape", here is what I ended up with at the end of the day