Sunday, December 16, 2012

Inside of the "Escape"

Here are some of the ingredients for inside of the "Escape"
First I measure and cut out the scrapbook paper to fit inside of the box (below).

I use Mosaic Mosaique Stickers for the tile floor, I get these at Michael's   

Then I cut the last row with a shank cutter to cut the tiles until I get a perfect fit.  I then put up on the fireplace. Notice that I cut off Santa's boots, coming out of the fireplace and I cut a fire out of some fabric that I had and put it in the fireplace instead.  I also had fabric of cut wood, and put that beside the fireplace.                                                                                                                                                                         
 Then I added a small Chair.  I am happy with it so far.........

 I took a picture frame (from ebay) that I had, and cut out a section from an older Christmas card of a nativity scene that I liked, and used it as the picture above the fireplace.  Now, its done!!!!!!
 The final finished product.
 I also added a lamp above the chair, as a reading light.

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